Kathina Robe කඨින චීවරය
(c) Mahamevnawa Bandaraawela

Sesath සේසත්

Horanawa හොරණෑව

Hak Gediya හක්ගෙඩිය

Flags කොඩිය

Incense සුවඳදුම්
(c) Mahamevnawa Bandaraawela

Kasaya කසාය

Nilame නිලමේ

Dawula දවුල
Drum played on both ends. Shorter and fatter than other drums

Geta Beraya ගැටබෙරය
Drum played on both ends. tapers on the ends

Yak Beraya යක්බෙරය
Drum played on both ends. tapers on the ends

Thammattama තම්මැට්ටම
Drum played on both ends. tapers on the ends


Chamara Dancers

All photos (c) Denish C on Flickr unless otherwise noted.