You are currently viewing Chattamanavaka Gatha

All new students in Dhamma School should chant and memorize the Chattamanavaka Gatha in Pali language. They should also know the story when the Supreme Buddha gave these verses and understand their meaning. They can also read the verses in the Vimanavatthu in English or Sinhala


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Yo vadataṁ pavaro manujesu,
Sakyamunī bhagavā katakicco;
Pāragato balaviriyasamaṅgī,
Taṁ sugataṁ saraṇatthamupemi.

Best among those who speak,
All of his tasks completed,
the Blessed One is the Sage of Sakyans.
Though power and energy
he crossed the round of birth and death.
I go for refuge to the supreme Buddha.

Madhuramimaṁ paguṇaṁ suvibhattaṁ,
Dhammamimaṁ saraṇatthamupemi.

Immeasurable is the Dhamma.
It is free from desires and free from sadness,
free from craving and not a bit unpleasant.
Explained perfectly and highly practical,
like sweet music to the ear of the listener.
I go for refuge to the Supreme Dhamma.

Yattha ca dinna mahapphalamāhu,
Catūsu sucīsu purisayugesu;
Aṭṭha ca puggaladhammadasā te,
Saṅghamimaṁ saraṇatthamupemi.

Whatever gifts offered to the Supreme Saṅgha,
The giver receives immeasureable merit.
It is those four pairs of persons, the eight types of individuals
who have seen and realized the Supreme Dhamma.
I go for refuge to the Supreme Sangha.

Practice chanting

Learn the story

They can also read the verses in the Vimanavatthu in English or Sinhala